Thursday, January 13, 2011

Great Excretations...

He'd had great expectations when he'd gone to the loo that morning; but sadly he'd been disappointed by a pile of droppings only a rabbit could be proud of.

Young at Heart...

Sure he was also the oldest kid in the neighborhood, but heck age was but a number. Health was what really mattered. Health, water melons and blue polar neck jumpers.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Martha, Martha...

it had been a long day of smiling and head tilting. Martha couldn't wait for the photo shoot be over so she could take a deep, long swig of the blue lagoon cocktail she'd surreptitiously hidden in the spray bottle. Unfortunately vodka gave her the runs, but on the bright side she'd remembered to keep her industrial sized roll of toilet paper close at hand.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's a dog's life...

Sure, being Lassie wasn't all fun and games, but he had to admit one of the main perks was how easy it was to pick up chicks.