Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Hardly Boys...

Frank: Ok, I think it’s time for a plan B.

Joe: Great. Let’s hear it.

Frank: Um, It’s so your turn to come up with a plan B.

Joe: Since when? Do I seriously have to do everything around here?

Frank: Everything? What? Besides posing with Jazz hands against that tree, what else have you done of note lately?

Joe: I came up with our casual-yet-stylish-yet-matching-yet-not-matching look. So….Booya. It’s your turn to have a good idea.

Frank: Since when is wearing a RED jersey when our very lives could depend on not being spotted a good idea? Since WHEN?

Joe: Donno. That’s why I’m wearing the blue one.

Frank: Look. Joe. If you spent half as much time thinking about the case at hand as you did parting your hair, I swear, we’d be in that tower and have our hands on the treasure by now.

Joe: Do you think my hair falls naturally like this? Do you? Maybe your follicles fall like that naturally, but mine don’t. Mine need a bit more persuasion. And if you ask me, it’s time well spent.

Frank: You know what would be time well spent? Investing in a real gun so I don’t have to hold my hand like this, I get cramp and we’re fooling no one.

Joe: Violence doesn’t solve anything Frank.

Frank: And Jazz hands do?

Joe: Finally. Finally we’re on the same page. I love you man.


  1. Ha ha! I nearly pee'd my pants! Funniest yet!

  2. Frank's the dark haired one, Joe's the blond. I think you got the two mixed up.
